Supreme Court 7A jury finds that a series of articles and a cartoon in The Daily Telegraph did not say that Labor MP Paul Gibson was “corrupt and a rorter” ... more
Category: Section 7A
Jamie Fawcett v John Fairfax Publications Pty Ltd & Annette Sharp
Section 7A. Supreme Court jury finds that paparazzo Jamie Fawcett was defamed by a Sun-Herald gossip piece that said he “wreaked havoc” on Nicole Kidman’s private life. ... more
Mamdouh Habib v Nationwide News Pty Ltd (No.2)
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib’s second defamation action against The Daily Telegraph fails before a s.7A jury. But not before Habib’s barrister Clive Evatt and Guy Reynolds, for Nationwide News, cross swords ... more
Stephen Archer v Newcastle Newspapers Pty Ltd
Verdict for Newcastle Herald in Stephen Archer case following Judge Gibson’s finding that she was not biased against serial tax offender and former bankrupt barrister ... more
Kyle Sandilands v Seven Network Ltd
Australian Idol judge and 2DayFM DJ Kyle Sandilands gets four imputations up in a s.7A hearing. A Today Tonight promo and program are to blame ... more
Falun Dafa Association of NSW v Chinese Media Group & Kam Chung Chan
Falun Gong members temporarily halt their demonstrations outside the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the Falun Dafa Association of NSW’s defamation case goes nowhere. A failure of identification ... more
Kylie McCabe v Cobbittee Publications Pty Ltd
Suburban infidelities and a belligerent grandmother featured in a racy s.7A trial that reveals current community values. It’s defamatory to say a plaintiff had consensual sex with a close friend’s husband, but to say she lied about it is not ... more
Peter Hyer v Cabbie Pty Ltd
Justice Howie twice refused to discharge s.7A jury despite “purposeful” straying outside the scope of proceedings by self-represented defendant ... more
Dr Roy Beran v The Age Company Pty Ltd
Sydney neurologist Dr Roy Beran has succeeded against The Age but failed against The Sydney Morning Herald in relation to substantially the same two articles. Was it the s.7A jury, the imputations or the barrister? ... more
Rachel Gardener v Nationwide News Pty Ltd
Former Homebush High English teacher and alleged bank robber defamed by The Daily Telegraph. Jury throws out eight other imputations because the plaintiff failed to get past the identification issue ... more
Mamdouh Habib v Nationwide News Pty Ltd
Verdict: one out of 24 imputations gets up in Mamdouh Habib case. Piers Akerman defames the former Guantanamo detainee but remaining imputations overwhelmed by “other messages”. What did Clive Evatt have for lunch? asks Guy Reynolds ... more
Mamdouh Habib v Nationwide News Pty Ltd
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib’s defamation action against Nationwide News started without a bang in the Darlinghurst court. Habib’s barrister Clive Evatt says the four matters complained of convey “terrible imputations” ... more