Damages    July 7, 2024

Lazos v West Australian Newspapers (No 2)

Western Australian Supreme Court ... Former public servant awarded $180,000 over fraud charges report in The West Australian ... Article claimed plaintiff was "top public official" ... Imputation that he behaved dishonestly ... Fair report and fair summary defences rejected ... Qualified privilege defences rejected ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    April 26, 2024

Edwards v Nine Network Australia Pty Limited (No. 5)

Federal Court ... Sydney barrister Gina Edwards awarded $150,000 in aggravated damages after A Current Affair broadcasts ... Defamed by allegations she stole Oscar the cavoodle for her own financial benefit ... Justification defence fails ... Contextual truth defence rejected ... Deceptive means of obtaining Oscar mitigates damages ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    March 26, 2024

Saxena v Singh & Ors

County Court of Victoria ... Melbourne doctor awarded $70,000 over two one-star Google reviews ... Reviews suggested he was incompetent and unfeeling ... Defences of justification, triviality, honest opinion, qualified privilege rejected ... Reviews actuated by malice ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    March 10, 2024

FJ (pseudonym initials) v Siglin

Supreme Court of Western Australia ... Man awarded $250,000 in aggravated damages over false claims he was arrested for killing former president of an outlaw motorcycle gang ... Pseudonyms, suppression orders and closed court employed for proceedings ... Concerns for security ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    February 20, 2024

Greiss v Seven Network (Operations) Limited (No 2)

Federal Court ... Sydney man awarded $37,940 in damages and interest over Facebook post reporting he spat "at" rape complainant ... Justification defence fails ... Contextual truth defence succeeds in respect of news item and tweet ... Honest opinion succeeds in respect of tweet ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    February 3, 2024

Courtney v Maguire; Maguire v Courtney

County Court of Victoria ... Retired businessman awarded $125,000 in aggravated damages ... Sued over Facebook posts made after he was critical of anti-brumby culling legal strategy ... Jury rejects counter-claim ... Claims of links to organised crime figures grounds for aggravation ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    January 28, 2024

Fong-Jones v Flow Chemical Pty Ltd

Supreme Court of Victoria ... Online activist and advocate for transgender rights awarded $445,000 in aggravated damages ... Sued Queensland host of notorious online forum Kiwi Farms ... No appearance by defendants ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    December 19, 2023

Spencer v McKay

County Court of Victoria ... Melbourne woman awarded $85,000 in aggravated damages ... Followed video claims she was a Luciferian and Satanist ... Imputation of devil worship ... Defences of justification, contextual truth and honest opinion defeated ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    November 19, 2023

Iskander v Barcos

County Court of Victoria ... Custom car upholsterer awarded $90,000 in aggravated damages ... Followed Facebook post claiming customer was scammed ... No appearance from defendant ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    October 16, 2023

Russell v Australian Broadcasting Corporation (No 3)

Federal Court ... Former commando platoon commander awarded $390,000 in damages over Defence investigation claims ... First substantial decision on public interest defence in a superior court ... ABC and its journalists fail to establish belief in public interest was reasonable ... Aggravated damages rejected ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    August 27, 2023

Read v Gitman

NSW District Court ... Strata body office holder awarded $35,000 in aggravated damages ... Sued over emails sent to owners and tenants ... Qualified privilege defence defeated by malice ... Oversimplification to treat emails to neighbours as trivial ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Damages    August 3, 2023

Callan v Chawk

Federal Court ... Plastic surgeon awarded $50,000 over one-star review on medical website ... Imputations of incompetence and negligence found to have been conveyed ... Defences of honest opinion and qualified privilege fail ... No aggravated damages ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more