Media Matters    July 15, 2024

Preserving the digital archive

Sustainability of digital archives … Legal issues … Loss of valuable MTV News content … The Wayback Machine … Accessibility to the past … National Library of Australia … Data storage … Environmental and financial costs … Veronica Lenard reports … more


Media Matters    June 3, 2024

Antoinette Lattouf v Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Fair Work Commission … ABC terminated employment relationship with casual radio presenter Antoinette Lattouf … Termination came after Lattouf shared Instagram post from human rights NGO commenting on Israel/Gaza War … Relationship ended when Lattouf taken off air and given no more work … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Media Matters    May 30, 2024

Southey v Butler

NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal … Transgender activist loses transgender vilification claim against Herald-Sun … Argued article about female inmates petition against transgender inmate amounted to vilification … Article did not convey that transgender people as a class were a threat … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Media Matters    February 28, 2024

Buying Silence

Oligarchs and plutocrats versus the media … The crushing appeal of SLAPP actions … Goldsmith, Maxwell and now the Russians … Lawyers and the money … Important stories that are never published … British media lawyer David Hooper suggests useful reforms … Book review by Veronica Lenard … more


Media Matters    December 19, 2023

Duke of Sussex v MGN Limited

Hacking case in London ... Mirror Group Newspapers ... Significant damages awarded to the Duke of Sussex ... 38 private investigators engaged by the editors ... Board of directors not aware ... Editor Piers Morgan knew of the illegal newsgathering ... Some claimants time barred ... Report from Inforrm ... more


Media Matters    September 18, 2023

Pressing issues 

Australian Press Council ... Press "watchdog" ... Delay, obstruction and torment ... The tortured road to getting a remedy for inaccurate, unfair, and prejudicial journalism ... The Louise Milligan case shows why the APC needs to replaced ... Richard Ackland reports ... more


Journalism    February 20, 2023

Journalists’ jamboree

Media Roundtable ... Attorney General's press freedom gathering in Canberra ... What's likely to be discussed ... What should be discussed ... Reporting that seeks to break free from the yoke of "national security" ... Open society inhibited by a range of forces ... Richard Ackland reports ... more


Media Matters    February 13, 2023

The road ahead

Ashurst’s review of media law developments in 2023 … Defamation reform … Federal Court document access rules … Misinformation and disinformation on digital platforms … Privacy … National cultural policy … From Robert Todd, Imogen Loxton, Nic Perkins, Karen Wang and Lisa Xia … more


Media Matters    September 8, 2022

Hamish McDonald

Investigative journalism … Long and determined pursuit of the Croatian Six case by foreign editor Hamish McDonald … Judicial inquiry into a miscarriage of justice … Failure of police, ASIO and the justice system … Dogged reporting … more


Media Matters    August 31, 2022

Michael West

Journalist and publisher Michael West talks to GLJ … Independent journalism today … Financing the enterprise … Best scoops … Interruptions by lawyers …  Shortcomings of the mainstream … The next phase … more


Media Matters    August 31, 2022

Murdoch v Crikey

Starting gun fired … Ticklish media baron sues independent news publisher … “Unindicted co-conspirator” in Trump’s crimes … No one likes to be pushed around by a billionaire bully with an overblown sense of entitlement … Richard Ackland comments … First published by Justinian … more


Media Matters    August 24, 2022

Lachlan Keith Murdoch v Private Media Pty Ltd & Ors

Federal Court … Media mogul Lachlan Murdoch sues Crikey … Suing over reference to Murdochs being “unindicted co-conspirators” with Trump in Capitol riots … Action follows challenge to sue in New York Times and Canberra TimesCrikey claims public interest journalism at stake … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more