Appeals    October 14, 2024

Bruce Lehrmann v Network Ten Pty Limited & Anor

Federal Court of Australia ... Interlocutory hearing in appeal proceedings brought by Bruce Lehrmann against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson ... Network Ten seeks security for costs for appeal ... Lehrmann seeks stay on enforcement of costs orders ... Dispute over whether Lehrmann served with bankruptcy notice ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    September 6, 2024

Bruce Lehrmann v Network Ten Pty Limited & Anor

Federal Court of Australia ... Case management in appeal by Bruce Lehrmann against decision dismissing his defamation action against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson ... Court told Lehrmann in breach of orders concerning security for costs application and stay application ... Lehrmann seeking to recover more than $100,000 held on trust by former lawyers ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    August 9, 2024

O’Shannassy v Sarina (Appeal)

Federal Court of Australia ... Sydney businessman loses appeal over whether damages awaiting assessment are a debt provable in bankruptcy ... Merger not effected because judge determining liability had not quantified damages ... Situation not analogous to order for costs ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    July 31, 2024

Landrey v Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd

Full Court of the Federal Court ... Former bookmaker turned property investor Geoff Landrey succeeds in appeal ... Appealed decision not to grant an extension of time to bring defamation proceedings against Nine Network ... Not reasonable in circumstances to bring action within limitation period ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    July 25, 2024

Bruce Lehrmann v Network Ten Pty Limited & Anor

Federal Court ... First case management hearing for Bruce Lehrmann's appeal against dismissal of his defamation action against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson ... Lehrmann to seek stay of enforcement of $2 million costs order ... Lehrmann legally represented after indicating he would act for himself ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    July 14, 2024

Lakaev v McConkey

Tasmanian Supreme Court ... Psychologist has appeal dismissed for want of prosecution ... Sought to appeal dismissal of action brought against former self-development community adherent ... Sought to challenge findings of justification for sixteen imputations ... Little prospects of success ... Prejudice to respondent ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    June 26, 2024

Poland v Hedley

The Court of Appeal (Western Australia) ... Developer has another chance at repleading defamation and conspiracy claims with proper particulars ... Appeals court says nothing in primary decision precludes further application for leave to replead ... Arguable question of whether political respondents were publishers ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    June 19, 2024

Seven Network (Operations) Limited & Anor v Mina Greiss

Federal Court ... Seven Network and its Sydney courts reporter Leonie Ryan are appealing award of damages to Mina Greiss ... No distinction between "spat at" and "spat towards" ... Issue with costs ... Greiss has filed a cross-appeal saying errors in finding he stared at rape complainant and was angry ... Seeks re-assessment of damages ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    June 19, 2024

Bruce Lehrmann v Network Ten Pty Limited & Anor

Federal Court ... Lisa Wilkinson files notice of contention in appeal brought by former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann ... Wilkinson takes issue with rejection of her qualified privilege defence ... Takes issue with findings critical of her conduct in getting the broadcast to air ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    June 2, 2024

Bruce Lehrmann v Network Ten Pty Limited & Anor

Federal Court ... Bruce Lehrmann lodges notice of appeal over dismissal of his defamation claim against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson ... Network Ten reports Lehrmann acting for himself in appeal ... Application for security for costs likely hurdle ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    May 21, 2024

Wright v De Kauwe (No 2)

Court of Appeal (WA) ... Former company director loses appeal over valuation of lost option on shares ... Media and investor relations advisor loses appeal over whether he was publisher of announcement to the ASX ... Directors lose appeal over whether directors fees were lost ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    April 17, 2024

Selkirk v Wyatt

Federal Court ... Sydney solicitor loses Full Court appeal on serious harm element ... Full Court rules s.10A of the Defamation Act does away with common law presumption of damage, and any presumption of good reputation ... Evidence of bad prior reputation can be taken into account ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more