Injunctions    October 25, 2018

Capilano Honey Ltd v Dowling (No 2)

Injurious falsehood and defamation ... Blogger's attack on Capilano Honey ... Interim takedown and suppression orders, injunctive relief ... Failure to obey orders ... Orders revoked ... Unsuccessful appeal against revocation ... "Sex tape" ... Free speech ... Nick Bonyhady reports ... more


Injunctions    September 14, 2018

The School For Excellence Pty Ltd v Trendy Rhino Pty Ltd & Ors

Injunction granted to stop defamatory posts on Facebook ... Tutoring businesses for Victorian school students at loggerheads over copyrighted practice exams ... Facebook page taken down ... Commercial harassment ... Defamation defences unlikely to succeed ... Nick Bonyhady reports ... more


Injunctions    May 29, 2018

Munsie v Dowling (No 10)

Permanent injunction against publication of blogger's attacks on Kerry & Ryan Stokes and lawyer Justine Munsie ... Previous takedown orders ignored ... Tendency to publish without consideration of the truth or appropriateness of the imputations ... Persistent defamation of plaintiffs ... Louise Hall reports ... more


Injunctions    May 15, 2018

Injunctions, suppression and defamation

UPDATE ... Circumspection in reporting required for defamation cases ... Earlier injunction involving sexual abuse allegations lifted as "events changed dramatically" ... Names of anonymous litigants now revealed ... Confidential information in statement of claim suppressed in Ryde Ex-Services Club case ... Nick Bonyhady reports ... more


Injunctions    October 9, 2017

Gary Miller v An Overseas Newspaper & Ors

NSW Supreme Court Justice Lucy McCallum grants urgent injunction over “highly defamatory” overseas newspaper story and makes pseudonym orders in respect of the parties … Google Inc advises it will not remove its search engine results, but is ordered to do so ... more


Injunctions    July 10, 2017

Seven Network (Operations) Limited & Anor v Amber Harrison

Amber Harrison saga continues in the NSW Supreme Court as Channel Seven presses her for its costs in seeking and being granted a comprehensive gag order … Harrison makes no appearance, but is given leave to make a submission tomorrow … Sara Tomevska reports ... more


Injunctions    June 28, 2017

Privacy injunction claim against Channel 4 dismissed

Issues of consent, privacy and the public interest feature in a UK decision not to injunct a Channel 4 program about bailiffs evicting people from their homes … This report from Media Lawyer’s Mike Dodd ... more


Injunctions    April 24, 2017

Justine Munsie & Ors v Shane Dowling

Lawyers for Kerrie Stokes apply for permanent injunction against a notorious blogger who continues to publish defamatory material in breach of a plethora of court orders … NSW Supreme Court Justice Stephen Rothman seems unimpressed by the defendant’s “submissions” ... more


Injunctions    April 5, 2017

Sean Carolan v Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd (No 7)

NSW Supreme Court Justice Lucy McCallum refuses to grant a “wholly successful” defamation plaintiff permanent injunctions … The defamatory material was removed after judgment and any risk of “inadvertent repetition” is small ... more


Injunctions    January 30, 2017

Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 v Shane Dowling (No 2)

Late 2016 saw a mixed result for those seeking to suppress publication … Two women a notorious blogger accused of having sex with Seven West Media boss Tim Worner succeeded … Not so former NSW deputy police commissioner Nick Kaldas, who lost his bid to injunct an ombudsman’s report into police bugging operations ... more