Injunctions    August 21, 2009

Robert Naoum v Nabil Dannawi

The NSW Court of Appeal has refused to permanently injunct a website containing allegedly defamatory material about the Consul General of Lebanon. Justice Ruth McColl describes the whole application as “fundamentally misconceived” ... more


Injunctions    August 12, 2009

Robert Naoum v Nabil Dannawi

The Consul General of Lebanon fails to prevent an Arabic language website from publishing “vaguely incoherent ramblings and collected invective” about him. NSW Supreme Court Justice Ian Harrison overturns an interim injunction granted by Acting Justice David Patten ... more


Injunctions    March 14, 2008

D v H and Channel Seven Brisbane Pty Ltd

Queensland’s Chief Justice Paul de Jersey (pic) refuses to injunct Channel Seven broadcasting “an account” of de facto property proceedings. He finds allegations reiterated outside court do not amount to the narration, description, retelling or recitation of proceedings ... more


Injunctions    May 5, 2005

James O’Neill v Australian Broadcasting Corporation & Ors

Justice Crawford of the Supreme Court of Tasmania grants an injunction to James O’Neill, a convicted child killer, preventing the broadcast of an ABC documentary linking the plaintiff to other suspected murders. Still serving a life sentence Crawford J said the prisoner had a repution to protect and anyway it wasn’t the media’s job to convict him ... more


Injunctions    November 18, 2004

Duncan v Allen & Unwin

Barrister tries to stop book by Dr Ingrid Van Beek about the medically supervised injecting room at Kings Cross. Injunction inappropriate to restrain a matter of public interest ... more


Injunctions    July 7, 2004

Channel Seven Adelaide Pty Ltd v Draper

The balance of convenience overwhelmingly favoured publication of the Trish Draper story. Acting Chief Judge of the SA District Court got the injunction and the suppression wrong ... more


Injunctions    February 24, 2003

Attorney General v Punch Ltd

The House of Lords reviews breach of court injunction by third parties and upholds government appeal against the expired Punch magazine ... more