Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 19, 2019

David Leyonhjelm v Sarah Hanson Young

Senator Leyonhjelm fails in a bid to stay Senator Hanson-Young's defamation action ... What words were said in parliament? ... Whether parliamentary privilege is engaged ... Whether the statement is innocuous ... Stephen Murray reports ... more


Media Matters    February 19, 2019

Sam Ekermawi v Nine Network Pty Ltd

Anti-Discrimination Act … Morning TV presenter wants borders closed to Muslims … Vilification of a non-racial variety … Stereotyping … Linking the Muslim community to terrorism … Muslims in Australia are not identified as a “race” … Remarks were likely to encourage hatred of Muslims … Stephen Murray reports … more


Dossier    February 15, 2019

Still counting

Victoria takes the cake in annual tally of suppression orders ...Latest Chau Chak Wing developments ... Membership of Defamation Working Party still unknown ... Queensland Court of Appeal hears from Alan Jones ... Media access to pleadings ... News roundup from Richard Ackland ... more


Seminars, interviews & commentary    February 14, 2019

Interview with Gail Hambly

Former Fairfax corporate counsel and company secretary Gail Hambly talks to the Gazette of Law & Journalism ... Newspapers ... The future with Nine Entertainment ... Law reform ... Judges ... Cases she's happy to forget ... Cases that vindicated the journalism ... The Right to Know  ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 13, 2019

David Leyonhjelm v Sarah Hanson-Young

Leave application ... Stay ... Proceedings in parliament ... Hanson-Young denies saying the words in parliament attributed to her by Leyonhjelm ... Respondent allegedly concocted what was said in parliamentary exchange ... Parliamentary privilege ... Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 11, 2019

Hayson v Nationwide News Pty Ltd

Gambler and former brothel owner succeeds in opposing Daily Telegraph's "strike-in" application ... Federal Court ... Separate background story not concerned with the main imputations about match fixing ... "That was then, this is now" ... Stephen Murray reports ... more


Trial reports    February 7, 2019

Voller v Nationwide News; Voller v Fairfax Media Publications; Voller v Australian News Channel

Former Don Dale detainee sues over readers' comments posted to media Facebook pages ...  News media's liability for third-party publications related to stories about the Voller case ...  Publishers are unable adequately to moderate inflammatory and defamatory comments ... Determination of publication as an element in the cause of action ... Stephen Murray reports ... more


Seminars, interviews & commentary    February 6, 2019

The open-ended ‘reasonableness’ question

Qualified privilege ... Reasonableness ... Whether judge or jury decides ... Still an open question ... Two strands ... Different requirements for common law and statutory QP defences ... Questions of fact ... McCallum J in Gayle and Daniels ... Comment from Professor David Rolph ... more


Imputations    February 3, 2019

Knell v Harris & Lance & Netline Pty Ltd

Dispute over management of strata investment scheme ... Email to strata manager did not convey imputations of guilt ... Qualified privilege ... Information relevant to strata owners ... WA District Court ... Janek Drevikovsky reports ... more


Suppression    January 31, 2019

Roberts-Smith v Fairfax Media Publications

Identity of defence witness suppressed ... Concerns about safety of the witness ... Disturbing threats made on social media ... Violence also threatened against TV panellist who criticised Roberts-Smith  ... No suggestion the applicant is responsible for the threats ... Identity of "Person 17" unlikely to be suppressed at trial ... Stephen Murray reports ... more


Appeals    January 29, 2019

Cummings v Fairfax Digital Australia & New Zealand Pty Ltd; Cummings v Fairfax Media Publications

Significant media victory in defamation case brought by racehorse trainer ... No imputations of guilt in fair report of civil proceedings ... Pleadings are "public documents" ... Fairfax not liable for third-party plagiarism of its original story ... Divergence of views about the newsagents' poster ... All female appeals bench ... McColl JA in the minority ... Stephen Murray reports ... more