Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 25, 2024

Lakaev v McConkey

Tasmanian Supreme Court ... Leave required to commence new proceedings in respect of reproduced articles that were subject of consent judgment in 2014 ... Registered psychologist suing over cult leader claims in book ... Leave not just required for concurrent proceedings ... Matters to be looked at holistically ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 23, 2024

Archbishop Makarios Griniezakis v Morelas

Federal Court ... Greek Orthodox Archbishop Makarios Griniezakis is suing publisher of online Greek news outlet ... Resists bid to transfer proceedings to Melbourne ... Balance of convenience ... Publisher now self-represented ... Case management ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 23, 2024

Munjed Al Muderis v Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd & Ors

Federal Court ... Case management in proceedings brought by high profile surgeon Munjed Al Muderis against Nine ... Notice sought of witnesses to be called ... "Prime source" said to be in Nevada jail ... Documents sought ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    February 2, 2024

Moira Deeming v John Pesutto

Federal Court ... First case management hearing ... Former Liberal MP Moira Deeming fails in bid to have separate trial on meaning ..Suing Victorian Liberal Leader John Pesutto over statements made in wake of controversial rally ... Two week trial slated for September ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    November 19, 2023

Peter David Schiff v Nine Network Australia & Ors

Federal Court ... Nine seeks access to documents from trustees of Puerto Rican bank in liquidation ... Goes to Burstein particulars in action brought by US economist Peter Schiff ... Nine submits application does not vex Schiff ... Schiff hopes not to lose trial dates ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    November 6, 2023

Woolf v Brandt

NSW District Court ... Fresh proceedings brought in wake of failed relationship struck out and dismissed ... "Just and reasonable" grounds for extension of time should make it easier for plaintiffs ... Is an extension of time required when proceedings struck out on technical grounds? ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    November 6, 2023

Tucker v McKee

Federal Court ... Former lawyer for Victorian State Revenue Office loses bid for extension of time ... Impugned email came to light in separate proceedings ... Failure to account for period between court ruling on Harman issue and commencement of proceedings ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    October 24, 2023

Bruce Lehrmann v Network Ten & Anor; Bruce Lehrmann v Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Federal Court ... Justice Michael Lee questions why action over payment of Lisa Wilkinson's costs in defamation matter by Network Ten commenced in NSW Supreme Court ... Dispute said to be over quantum and timing ... Not wanting to undermine co-operative approach by counsel in defamation proceedings ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    October 6, 2023

Poland v Fairfax Digital Australia & New Zealand Pty Ltd

Western Australia Supreme Court ... Fairfax Digital loses strike out application over Facebook comments ... Property developer and tourism operator Greg Poland suing over comments left on links to 2019 articles ... Justice Tottle says particulars not so untenable as to warrant dismissal ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more


Interlocutory/Case-Management    September 27, 2023

McVicker v Australian Broadcasting Corporation

District Court of Queensland ... Judge dismisses ABC's claim for summary dismissal of proceedings on grounds of proportionality ... Doubts proportionality principle applies in Queensland ... Summary dismissal allowed for post July 1, 2021 publications ... Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports ... more