Damages    February 1, 1983

Laws v Fairfax

The plaintiff was fraudulently involved in land deals. … more


Damages    February 1, 1983

Farmer v Bowman

The plaintiff by means of dishonest advertising, had attempted to deceive the public into purchasing tea of unacceptable quality. … more


Damages    February 1, 1983

O’Sullivan v Komesaroff

An interview with the 1st defendant, a solicitor, in Justinian imputed that the plaintiff, a Melbourne barrister, had improperly attempted to force the 1st defendant to retract an honest answer on oath; was guilty of professional misconduct; was negligent; charged excessive fees; and had intimidated the 1st defendant in court proceedings. … more


Damages    February 1, 1983

Scott v Basisovs, Willett and Nationwide News

The plaintiff had an attitude that electors in Hindmarsh may be denied “choice” in politics, and further that in denying that choice “union pressure tactics” could be applied. The plaintiff’s history as an activist in union matters imputed to him an attitude which was overbearing, arrogant and dictatorial. … more


Damages    February 1, 1983

Prichard v Krantz

The plaintiff was a party to an underhand scheme to get another person elected as his successor as branch secretary to a union, and the plaintiff was a party to forgery. … more


Damages    February 1, 1982

Jeffs v McGufficke

A swimming coach criticised the managerial skills and qualifications of his competitor in the context of a bid to win the rights to manage and coach at a council swimming pool. … more


Damages    February 1, 1980

Butler v Illawarra Newspapers

The plaintiff, a stipendiary magistrate, acted unjudicially and was motivated by improper prejudice in passing a more severe sentence than he otherwise would have done, merely because the offender was Aboriginal. … more


Damages    February 1, 1980

Hook v Fairfax

The plaintiffs had committed offences against the liquor laws of the Territory. … more


Damages    February 1, 1979

Punch v Fairfax

The plaintiff, as leader of the NSW Country Party, lacked the confidence of a majority of members of his party. … more


Damages    February 1, 1977

Dechaineaux v Clemente

The defendant, an alderman, caused the publication of statements in a newspaper alleging that “an officer” of the Hobart City Council had disclosed confidential information concerning a proposed car park and shopping centre development to another developer. The words were held to be capable of identifying the plaintiff (city architect) to a small class of persons with knowledge of the development. … more


Damages    February 1, 1977

Renouf v Federal Capital Press of Australia

The plaintiff’s removal from the office of Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs was imminent; he lobbied for his appointment by means of public statements calculated to be acceptable to the political party which held power; he had an excessive degree of self-consciousness; he was politically inept and involved himself in party politics; and he failed to understand or cope with the relationship between foreign policy and domestic politics. … more


Damages    February 1, 1977

Fairbairn v Fairfax

The plaintiff, wife of Australia’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, was a woman of such poor taste and so lacking in a sense of diplomacy that she was prepared to lobby her husband’s former colleagues to change his posting to suit her preference, and having been unsuccessful, with bad grace she accepted second best. … more