Appeals    October 20, 2011

Queensland Newspapers Pty Ltd v Ross Palmer

The Queensland Court of Appeal has decided that almost all of the imputations pleaded by Brisbane entrepreneur Ross Palmer for a “light-hearted” Courier Mail story should stay ... more


Appeals    September 9, 2011

Charmyne Palavi v Radio 2UE Pty Ltd

Another trip to the High Court for Clive Evatt? ... NSW Court of Appeal finds District Court Judge Andrew Colefax correctly struck out two imputations pleaded by NRL “cougar” Charmyne Palavi against 2UE – because she had deliberately destroyed evidence ... more


Appeals    September 6, 2011

Daniel Snedden v Nationwide News Pty Ltd

After six years in the courts, former Serbian paramilitary commander Captain Dragan (aka Daniel Snedden) comprehensively loses his appeal over a story in The Australian alleging he committed and condoned war crimes ... more


Appeals    August 23, 2011

Man Haron Monis & Amirah Droudis v R

Lange implied freedom of political communication tested in “offensive” letters sent by Muslim cleric to grieving parents of deceased soldiers … NSW Court of Criminal Appeal ponders the meaning of “offensive” ... more