Settlements    April 26, 2024

Uni student settles with Seven over erroneous murder reports

University student Ben Cohen settles with Seven Network following reports he was the Bondi Junction knife attacker … Was named on air twice and in social media … Seven unreservedly apologises for harm to Cohen and family … Lawyers instructed to pursue wrongful identification by others on social media with NSW Police … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    November 22, 2023

Peter David Schiff v Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd & Ors

Federal Court … American economist and financial commentator Peter Schiff reaches settlement with Nine Network over tax claims … Settlement of $550,000 as well as costs … Followed 60 Minutes investigation into Puerto Rican bank …. Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    November 13, 2023

Beverly-Ann Walters v Donald Brown

Queensland Supreme Court … Government whip Don Brown settles proceedings brought by 2020 State election candidate Bev Walters … Brown claimed Walters’ call for pandemic border closures to cease was motivated by her ownership of a travel agency … Settlement for $50,000 in damages plus costs … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    July 3, 2023

John Gill v HarperCollins Publishers Australia & Anor

Updated … Federal Court … Settlement reached by Chelmsford doctor and publisher HarperCollins and ABC journalist Steve Cannane … Litigation concerned account of Deep Sleep Therapy in history of Scientology in Australia … Apology from HarperCollins … Statement from Dr Gill … Comment from Steve Cannane … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    May 30, 2023

Bruce Lehrmann v News Life Media & Anor

Federal Court … Bruce Lehrmann reaches settlement with and political editor Samantha Maiden over reports of rape allegation by former colleague … No damages, but contribution to costs … Editor’s note appended to articles … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    September 14, 2022

Andrew Laming v Nine Network Australia & Anor

Federal Court … Dr Andrew Laming reaches settlement with Nine Network over “lewd photo” report … Nine recently abandoned defences … Apology read out in court … Terms otherwise confidential … Statement from Laming … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    January 25, 2022

Vass v Nationwide News Pty Ltd

Art collector’s bid for specific performance of settlement offer fails … Sued over claims he broke up multi-panel art work against artist’s wishes … Evidence offer was induced by fraudulent misrepresentation … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    December 23, 2021

Roman Abramovich v HarperCollins Publishers Australia & Anor

Federal Court … Settlement reached between billionaire Roman Abramovich and HarperCollins over Putin book … Follows settlement in proceedings in UK … Statements from HarperCollins, author Catherine Belton, and Abramovich’s spokesperson … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    November 5, 2021

John Barilaro v Jordan Shanks-Markovina

Federal Court … Former NSW Deputy Premier settles with YouTube comedian … Proceedings against Google LLC remain on foot … Dispute over interrogatories … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    October 18, 2021

Andrew Laming v Louise Milligan

Commonwealth Auditor-General says no documented advice to support ABC paying Louise Milligan’s damages and costs in settlement with Andrew Laming … Settlement over tweets sent by Milligan over photograph … Eric Abetz sought Audit Office investigation … ABC MD sought General Counsel’s advice … Business decision to meet costs … Weaknesses in social media policy … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    August 11, 2021

Andrew Laming v Louise Milligan

Federal Court … ABC journalist Louise Milligan settle with Federal MP Andrew Laming … $79,000 plus costs … Action commenced over tweets alleging upskirting … Dispute over costs and admissions … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more


Settlements    May 31, 2021

Christian Porter v Australian Broadcasting Corporation & Anor

Christian Porter ends his defamation battle with ABC and Louise Milligan … No damages payable, with ABC picking up only costs of mediation … Editor’s Note added to original story … ABC stands by importance of story … Porter claims ABC and Milligan could not back up allegations … Casts the story as “sensationalist” and “one-sided” … ABC returns fire … Courts Editor Stephen Murray reports … more